Since 1934, Nova Credit Union has celebrated, encouraged and supported diversity in our workplace, our member base and in our communities.
Rightfully so, people across our country and locally are lifting their voices at every level to demand accountability, progress and fairness. Our board, our employees and our management team, support the right to peacefully protest to advocate for change. Collectively, we have work to do. We will continue to actively support inclusion, basic human rights and to advocate for change.
We stand against racism, we stand for diversity, we stand for inclusion and we stand in solidarity.
Who Can Join
No Annual Membership Fee! No Monthly Membership Fee!
You can join if you live or work within our Community 50-mile radius charter. Also if you work for the USPS anywhere in North Carolina you can join! If not, please join the North Carolina Consumer Council and your membership enables you to become a Nova Credit Union member!
Nova CU is a Community Credit Union, in addition to being available to Postal or Federal employees!
Employees of Charter Communications of Hickory, NC
Immediate family members of all of those listed are also eligible for membership. Immediate family members are: spouse, child, sibling, parent, grandparent or grandchildren. Immediate family members also include stepparents, stepchildren, step-siblings and any adoptive relationships.
Anyone who resides in the household of a member is also eligible for membership.
Employees of Credit Union
Why Join?
Cooperative membership saves you money!
As your Local Financial Cooperative, we provide all of our financial products and services to qualifying members (see above "who can join" qualifications) who open a savings account with a $5.00 deposit (minimum balance requirement). Savings account requires a minimum balance of only $5.00 and no monthly fee.
Some of our products and services include Secure Checking, Vehicle, Recreational and Personal Loans, Credit Builder Loans, Low Fixed Rate Visa Credit Cards, First Time Home Buyers and other Mortgage Loans, Home Equity Lines of Credit, Free Debit Card, Investments, Savings Club Accounts, CDs, IRAs, Money Market Accounts, and Free Mobile Banking which includes Free Bill Pay & Mobile Deposit, 30,000+ Surcharge Free ATMs, 5,000+ Shared Branches, Personal Financial Coaching services.
What is a Financial Cooperative?
Financial Cooperatives (also known as Co-Ops) provide affordable banking services to members of their Co-Op. Financial Co-Ops operate under many names through-out the world. In the United States, Canada, and Australia, you know them as Credit Unions. In Africa they are known as SACCO for Savings and Credit Cooperative Organizations, in the Philippines they are called Credit Cooperatives, and in Mexico and Latin American Countries they are called cooperativas de ahorro y crédito.
What Are CO-OP Connected Credit Unions?
Credit unions connected to the CO-OP Financial Services network in the United States really are different. Different in a nationwide, there-for-you-everywhere sort of way! They work together to serve each others' members.
Cooperative Principals
Regardless of what you call a Financial Cooperative, they all abide by the Seven Cooperative Principals and exist to provide discounted services or products to Co-Op members. In addition to affordable financial services, Credit Unions and Co-Ops believe strongly in Financial Education and provide many options to their members for increasing their financial knowledge. A volunteer Board of Directors is elected from the Co-Op membership each year and guides the Co-Op staff in serving the membership.
Why is it important that your credit union is a cooperative?
Cooperatives are only as strong as their members' participation. The stronger the participation, the more services and products credit unions can provide members of the Co-Op. Credit Unions continue to grow world-wide and in 2014 credit unions celebrated over 100 million members of these financial cooperatives in the United States.
Eight Cooperative Principals of Cooperatives
1. Voluntary and Open Membership
Cooperatives are voluntary organizations, open to all people able to use its services and willing to accept the responsibilities of membership, without gender, social, racial, political or religious discrimination.
2. Democratic Member Control
Cooperatives are democratic organizations controlled by their members—those who buy the goods or use the services of the cooperative — who actively participate in setting policies and making decisions. Members VOTE on a volunteer Board of Directors.
3. Members' Economic Participation
Members contribute equally to, and democratically control, the capital of the cooperative. This benefits members in proportion to the business they conduct with the cooperative rather than on the capital invested.
4. Autonomy and Independence
Cooperatives are autonomous, self-help organizations controlled by their members. If the co-op enters into agreements with other organizations or raises capital from external sources, it is done so based on terms that ensure democratic control by the members and maintains the cooperative's autonomy.
5. Education, Training and Information
Cooperatives provide education and training for members, elected representatives, managers and employees so they can contribute effectively to the development of their cooperative. Members also inform the general public about the nature and benefits of cooperatives.
6. Cooperation among Cooperatives
Cooperatives serve their members most effectively and strengthen the cooperative movement by working together through local, national, regional and international structures.
7. Concern for Community
While focusing on member needs, cooperatives work for the sustainable development of communities through policies and programs accepted by the members.
8. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Credit Unions believe we are stronger when a proactive effort is put forth to engage everyone in governance, management, and representation.
Did You Miss The Annual Meeting That Was May 1, 2024? See below for information that was shared!
To listen to our Chairman's, President/CEO's, and Nominating Committee Chair's speeches, please click on the videos below:
Our Board of Directors serve without pay and dedicate a good deal of their time to help with the direction of our credit union. These volunteers bring years of personal and professional experience to their positions as the policy-making body of the Credit Union.
2023 Board of Directors
Board Chairman — Phillip Kridel
Vice Chairman — John Geter, II
Secretary — Lola Bumbarger
Treasurer — Kim Boggan
Director — Lori Kawulok
Director — Huyla Jackson
Director — Rita Ellison
Director — Roy Montague
Director — Sherry Gordon
Call for Board Nominations for 2024
If you are interested in serving as a volunteer Board Member for Nova Credit Union please email Michelle Hayes at for the nomination form. You must be at least 18-years old, a member in good-standing and have been a member for at least one year. More information about qualifications, responsibilities and duties will be sent to you upon your request.
Equal Opportunity For All
By federal laws and U.S. Department of the Treasury policy, this organization is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability.
To file a complaint of discrimination, write to U.S. Department of the Treasury, Director, Office of Civil Rights and Equal Employment Opportunity, 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20220 or send an email to
These are the rights stated in the Civil Rights Act, Title VI, section 504.
Supporting Persons with Limited English Proficiency (LEP)
Nova Credit Union is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to residents with LEP to the extent required by federal law. Please click here for additional information.